Zebras and their stripes

Zebra and their stripes

Zebras are African equines known for their black-and-white striped coats. There are three living species: Grévy's zebra, Plains zebra, and Mountain zebra which we unfortunately did not see. Grant's zebra is the smallest subspecies of plains zebra, found in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem and central Africa. The endangered Grevy's zebra, on the other hand, is the largest wild equid and is known for its unique striped pattern which are as distinctive as human fingerprints. Grevy's zebras are more closely related to wild asses, while plains zebras are more closely related to horses. Grevy's zebras also have taller stature, larger ears, and narrower stripes compared to plains zebras, making them the largest among the zebra species. A mesmerizing beauty to watch.

Stripes on zebras are unique to each individual and serve as a deterrent for biting flies. Zebras inhabit various habitats in eastern and southern Africa, such as savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, shrublands, and mountains.

Zebras primarily graze on lower-quality vegetation and are preyed upon by lions. When threatened, they flee but can also bite and kick. Social behavior varies among zebra species, with plains and mountain zebras living in stable harems led by an adult male, while Grévy's zebras live alone or in loosely associated herds. Zebras use vocalizations, body postures, and facial expressions to communicate, and social grooming strengthens bonds in some species.

Zebras' distinctive stripes make them highly recognizable and have been featured in art and stories. While zebras have been sought after by collectors, they have never been domesticated like horses and donkeys. The conservation status of zebras varies, with Grévy's zebra listed as endangered, mountain zebra as vulnerable, and plains zebra as near-threatened. The quagga, a subspecies of plains zebra, became extinct in the 19th century. However, efforts are in place to protect zebras in various protected areas.

Mory Machado

Mory Machado is an amateur photographer that has taken a simple hobby and transformed it to engaging content as seen through the lens of Photography & Adventure! A journey dedicated to the pursuit of Joy, Passion, Gratitude and Appreciation for living in the moment. Most of her work surrounds landscapes, seascapes and wildlife photography.


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